Wednesday 12 October 2011

Week 1 Reading - In The Beginning There Is The Designer, Jesse Schell

The first week of reading given was pretty much set out to be a confidence building exercise, with a general overview to the fundamentals and characteristics in which help to define what is to be a ‘game designer’. Personally, I found the article uplifting and insightful making it a nice introductory read for the beginning of my course. Some things I already knew some things I didn’t and some things simply boosted my self-esteem and confidence. With that in mind, it was a refreshing read.

Personally, for me, I found the sections entitled 'The Secret of the Gifted' and 'The Most Important Skill' the most beneficial.

The section ‘The Secret of the Gifted’ outlines that game designers aren’t all born with this so called ‘special gift’ which makes them naturally good at something be it Art or Mathematics etc. But the truth is there are two kinds of gifts, the minor and major gift. Minor gifts are the things that people can do easily, almost without thinking and the ‘Major gift is the love of your work’. By loving your work in essence your game design skills will instinctively grow. This boosted my confidence and pretty much destroyed any slight ounce of doubt I had in myself.

The section 'The Most Important Skill' states the most important skill of all (obviously) which is required in becoming a designer. That skill is ‘Listening’. The moment I read this I immediately noted down on the side of the page, ‘I agree with this completely’. I had a little hunch before reading ‘The Most Important Skill’ that it would be something that seems so simple. Schell elaborates on the idea of listening by applying it to a scenario where he basically says that human nature can often mean different things and that these things should be looked at together in order to get the real message. I think applying the ability to read people to the industry itself is highly beneficial.

Thanks for reading. gg