Friday 25 November 2011

Zotero [zoh-tair-oh]

For Eddies lesson we were given a task to compile a short bibliography using a Firefox add on called 'Zotero'. It's a handy way of keeping all of your online literature nicely organised and easily accessed.

I have decided to create a bullet point list breakingdown each area of reference for future assignments:

Books - How to:
  • Auther, Surname followed by their initial(s)
  • Year of book e.g. (2008)
  • Name of book
  • Edition of the book
  • Place of publication
  • Publisher name
Articles - How to:
  • Auther, Surname followed by their initial(s)
  • Year of article e.g. (2008)
  • Name of article
  • Journal Name
  • Volume Number
  • Part Number Identified
  • Page Number Identified
Contributions - How to:
  • Auther, Surname followed by their initial(s) - Subsequent Auther(s)
  • Name of article
  • Editor Surname including Initials
  • Year of Publication
  • Full title
  • City of Publication

- Simons, I. (2007) - Inside Game Design, [Laurence King Publishing LTD]

- Koster, R (2004)  - A Thoery of Fun for Game Design, [Paraglyph Press, Inc]

- Rosenweig, G (2011) -ActionScript 3.0 Game Programming University, Second Edition, Updated for Flash Professional CS5 [Que Publishing]

- Brathwaite, B., and Schreiber, I. (2008) - Challenges For Games Designers, [Charles River Media]


 - Dugan, P. (2005) - Rag Doll Development – An Interview With Rag Doll Kung Fu's Mark Healey [Gamasutra]

Tristan Donovan (2011) - To Play Or Not To Play? [Gamasutra]