Thursday 5 January 2012

Arty things for 2012

Work produced early this year or later last year in Adobe Illustrator CS5. Things are starting to look a lot creepier in the world of Pick Up The Stick.

For the theme of the latest Artwork I have attempted to differentiate the scenic assets within zones yet at the same time still remain some stylistic relation within each of the zones. I sometimes find difficult to get the balance between consistency and a repetitive looking game right. When I design something I always try to make sure it links somewhat into the rest of the game.

For all things PUTS, check out the latest news and updates here:
You can also play the latest version of the game here:

Hidden information - Fog of War
"These trees look a tad more 'dead' than before".
"Inside the cave"...
"A convayer belt in a cave, surely not?"