Monday 31 October 2011

Week 5 Reading - Tools For Creating Dreamatic Game Dynamics

- Game Design needed a more conceptual framework.
- The player experience
- Games as narrative
- Game design models

Introduction, Stories as Games: - 

That games crossover with other mediums e.g. theatre, film and TV.

- Some games become stories
- Climatic struggle... he states that drama is important
- "Sometimes a games drama is its primary motivation for playing"
  • A story with an uncertain outcome.
  • Story we control
  • We (Game Designer) have less control.
  • Conflict and tension creates drama, but we can only -nudge- players towards this.
  • Nudging to create dramatic circumstances
  • Games engage in story but in a different way to what we're used to.
  • (Think of games in this structured way)
Story Arc: (Graph)
Control > Climax < Resolution Conclusion

- That games crossover with other mediums e.g. theatre film & t.v.
    - 'Senet' within the story it's old as shit... as well as 'go'
- Some games become stories
- Climatic Struggle, states that drama is important.
- "Sometimes a games drama is its primary motivation for playing"

Mechanics, Dynamics and Aesthetics:

Mechanics: = Primary rules. But can also refer to the rules of other things
- NBA = Basketball rules but also means the rules of gravity and energy and humans mind and body.

If we think of a game as a system the mechanics are a complete description of that system.

Dynamics: = Behaviour of the game the actual events and phenomena that occur as the game is played.
- When we view a game in terms of its dynamics, we are asking.. "what happens when the game is played".

Aesthetics: = Emotional content
- A games aesthetic emerges from its dynamic how the game behaves determines how it makes the player feel.

The Dramatic Arc: An Aesthetic Model for Drama
We want:
- Drama as an aesthetic objective of our game design to be apart of the games emotion content.

- Yardstick for failing or succeeding in causing drama
"Aesthetic Model"
- Drama is one aesthetic among many games can cause all kings of experiences each is a separate aesthetic pleasure with its own aesthetic model.

Drama as an Aesthetic:
- The dramatic arc is an aesthetic model for stories; it's a statement about how stories convey their emotional content, and a yardstick that we can hold up to a story to see if it succeeds or fails at being dramatic.
(Add more notes on this)

Drama in Games:
Drama is important. Even though we don't have complete control over the narrative... but rather emerges from the events of the game.
- Drama originates from conflict
- Conflict comes from the contents around which the game is built.

Dramatic Tension:

the sense that the outcome of the contest is still unknown. Any player could win or lose. (Without players become spectators)

- Uncertainty:
     -Which way to go.
     - The outcome is unknown.

Ways to create uncertainty...
 = Force: Actually manipulate the game state directly (Deliberately making a change)
= Illusion: Deliberately manipulating players perception of the the game state, without changing the actual game state (Subtlety) - If you get this in 'your' game, you're playing around with your players... (worth playing around with... go home and learn about this)... (Test all these techniques)

Inevitability: The sense that the contest is moving forward toward resolution. The outcome is imminent. (The outcome of the conflicts seems distant)

"Magic the gathering" - (Dramatic tension of the game is regulated by the game dynamics)

Positive Feedback Loops: - A Denouement
A speed boost for the leader cannot be caught.
Winners get a bonus

Negative Feedback Loops:
This is a technique use in order to draw players together... (rubber band technique)
Losers get advantages so that there will be a chance of a closer finishing end result.

This sometimes doesn't work because it feels unfair to players. (Players might perceive it as being unfair). I think in this is a feature which should be brought upon players subtlety
Forcing players to behave in certain ways... (might work) players might regard it as being unsubtle.

Hidden Energy:
Turbo boost: such as in racing games, e.g. 'Wipeout'. However can be obtained across other platforms.

Fog of War:
You can only strategies over what you can analyse. Fog of war is a common feature within most RTS games as well as others. Good players of video games can use little information from exposing the fog of war and still derive a solid strategy.

(University Challenge) - Scoring system... (Refer to 'additional notes)
Compresses all the questions at the end... makes the end more dramatic by changing the pase in which he asks questions.

Gladiators... cargo net by making players look close call ending (illusion) then it flips back round by the zip wire.

Cashing Out:
Where the score is reset to zero... 'Tennis mechanic' where the games are defined through sets.
- Best of three = Cashing out mechanic... (Every advantage that's set out is reset to zero)

Draw a game to a close...
Ticking clock... their has to be mechanics within a game to remind players that the game is about to come to an end.

For example: (in games)

- Scrabble = The bag of  ''letters" gets smaller so it's inevitable that the game is about to end.
- Number of Laps
- Bomberman = Smaller stages
(Areas get emptier, Filling up Boards) - Visual metaphor... doesn't have to have a score or timer.
- Tetris = Nearer the end.

(Quiz games are a good source for looking at game mechanics) - 'Golden Balls' ... at the end (Split or Steal) 'Prisoners dilemma'. Steal ball is more advantageous. P.D... lots of games end with this. Always mathematically better by stealing.