Friday 30 September 2011

Greetings! - gl hf

A little bit about myself... actually, maybe a bit more than I imagined about myself:
I'm eighteen years old and currently studying a BA honours degree in Computer Game Design at University Campus Suffolk, in Ipswich.
Before University I went to Colchester Sixth Form for two years and studied A-level; Art; Photography; I.C.T and English Language as well an 'Extended Project Qualification', which involved me designing, modelling, rigging, animating and rendering a '3d robot' inspired by the 'Gears of War' art style in 3ds Max Autodesk within the 2nd year.

I'll most likely assemble some kind of wonderful post containing a slide show with all my old 3d art and perhaps examples of traditional and digital 2d work from previous years... I'm sure all you lovely and beautiful people out there would be delighted.

A few things:

Gunsmoke Paintball, Summer 2009
Holland, Amsterdam, August 2011

In the near future upon reading this blog you'll most probably, or in fact definitely pick up on my other passions and hobbies for things such as music, art, photography, and of course video games.
As an Artist/Designer I think that everything, no matter how irrelevant it may feel in someway or another it can be applied to the video gaming industry. On a day to day basis I try to consider everything learnt in everyday life be it little or small and think about how it could be applied to the gaming industry.

A few questions about myself:
Q: What is the title of the book (fiction) you are currently reading?
A: 'The Diary of A Madman by Nikolay Gogol'... A surrealist Russian tale which revolves around a man who loses his nose.

Q: What is the title/topic of the book (non-fiction) you are currently reading?
A: 'Inside Game Design by Ian Simons'. The book interviews industry pros from many different computer game companies. For me, the most interesting and insightful interview was for a game company called 'Media Molecule'. With discussion with veterans such as 'Mark Healey, Alex Evans and Kareem Ettouney'

Q: What is the last live performance (music, drama or dance) you attended?
A: 'Listener' (band)... with a crowd of about 30 people sitting in an old basement watching two guys play some of the most passionate music I've ever heard. Listen to 'Listener' if you have the time:

Q: What is the title of the last film you saw at the cinema/online or watched on DVD?
A: 'Blood, the Last Vampire'. A violent vampire film based on an Anime series from what I'm aware of may need confirmation on that though... o.o

Q: How often do you read a newspaper?
A: Rarely... I find reading newspapers sometimes depressing (depending on the article of course)...I'd never read 'The Sun'.

Q: Which Art gallery/museum/exhibition did you last visit?
A: Van Gogh Art Gallery/Anne Frank Museum. (Amsterdam, Holland, August 2011) Visited both on the same day with friends, was a highly inspirational and eye opening experience.

Q: How many hours a week do you spend playing video games?
A: 21 hours minimum, this probably varies depending on the time of year of course.

Q: How many hours a week do you spend playing games other than video games?
A: 2 or 3 hours a week. Again, this most likely varies depending on the time of year... especially around Christmas time.

Thank you kindly for your time.