Saturday 8 September 2012

Some Art

Went on TIGSforums and looked under unpaid work and found a programmer needing an Artist/Animator for his upcoming game project. Sent him my portfolio, he liked it and so he's been having me sketch out a few things for him.

Abusive Video Game Munipulation - AVGM

The problem with Social Games:

Thursday 12 July 2012

Pixel Art

Used to get in trouble in ICT for filling pixels all lesson on MS Paint.


Wednesday 16 May 2012

Game Camp 5 - Unconference

12th May 2012...

Myself and Joe Kinglake woke up at the crack of dawn on a bright Saturday morning to get the coach from Ipswich all the way to London South Bank University to attend Game Camp 5 and 'unconference' for Game Designers and players alike.

We attended a wide range of talking varying from Women In The Games Industry,  Social Catalyst/Icebreaker Games, How To Get A Job In The Industry, Deeper Emotions In Games... How? and many many more.
Finally arrived!
The View [London]


Which talk to attend?

Nice bag

Most of the talks/times

More talks

 A both rewarding and exhausting day was had but overall worth it, I would recommend looking out for future Game Camp events in order to attend. I know I will be.